Friday, April 10, 2009

Molybdenum deficiency

Left: healthy leaf receiving molybdenum. Right: Molybdenum deficient leaf; leaflets, incurled margins, intervenal chlorotic motting and death of tips.

Molybdenum deficiency

Leaflets somewhat chlorotic, strongly incurled and die back from tips.

Boron deficiency

Fruits pitted and corky areas in skin; ripening uneven.

Boron deficiency

Stems stiff; terminal buds die and growths die back; lateral shoots developed, giving plant flat top; leaves highly tinted purple, brown and yellow.

Manganese toxicity

Stem and petioles, especially nodal areas, necrotic lesions; leaves wither and hang down.

Manganese deficiency

Intervenal chlorotic mottling distributed over entire surfaces of leaflets; mottled areas become necrotic. (cf. Plate 261, iron deficiency)

Iron deficiency

Tip leaves, especially basal areas of leaflets, intense chlorotic mottling; stem near tip also yellow. (cf. Plate 262, manganese deficiency)

Tomato Mosaic Virus Disease

Virus Disease. Blotchy uneven ripening, similar to "Blotchy Ripening" due to potassium deficiency but blotchy areas more sharply defined. (cf. Plate 259, potassium deficiency)

Potassium deficiency

"Blotchy Ripening"; green and yellow areas merging into red color of surface. (cf. Plate 260, mosaic fruits)

Potassium deficiency

Leaflets slight marginal and intervenal chlorosis followed by brown marginal scorching; scorched margins curled foward.

Magnesium deficiency

Greenhouse view. Leaves intervenal chlorosis and necrosis.

Magnesium deficiency

Leaves intervenal chlorosis and necrosis; fruits show "Green Back".

Magnesium deficiency

Central intervenal chlorosis and green marginal bands.

Calcium deficiency

Dying back of trusses and "Blossom End Wilt" of distal fruitlets.

Calcium deficiency

Death of growing point and die-back of main stem from tip; die-back of leaves, progressing from terminal leaflets and of flower and fruiting trusses.

Calcium deficiency

Dying off of terminal leaflets and flowers; leaves purplish brown tinting.

Phosphorus deficiency

Growth dwarfed and thin; leaflets droop, curl backward and develop strong, dull purple tints.

Nitrogen deficiency

Growth dwarfed, thin and upright habit; stem and petioles rigid; leaves pale green, occasional purplish tints, older leaves yellowing.

My best friend Punam Remer

She is Punam Remer and my best friend staying in Germany. Now she is German citizen but she was Nepalese in past. She married with Mr. Rolf Remer in Germany. She likes to visit new place, making new friend, chatting in MSN etc...

My best friend Mira Pandey

She is Mira Pandey from Spain and she is my best friend. She speaks English, Spanish, Nepali and Hindi. She likes to visit new place, making new friend, chatting in internet etc...

My friend Nat from Thailand

She is my friend from Bangkok. She works in a reputed travel agency in Thailand. She speaks English, French and Thai language very well. She likes to swiming, travelling in new place, making new friend, chatting in msn etc...

Welcome to my blog webpage

I am going to update some useful information that I have learn from this part of the world